Thank you for your feedback and continued interest in your communities!
Showing 126-150 of 174 results
Laura, 37914
October 1, 2022
My greatest concern is preservation of green spaces and historic sites, including family farms. We need a plan to reduce dependence on cars and provide reliable clean energy transport for middle and low income people, as well as affordable housing. Connecting greenways would help both these goals, but there must be investment mass transport options
Thomas, 37922
October 1, 2022
Regarding the Northshore corridor, between Kingston Pike and Pellissippi, it is heavily traveled with the development of homes and commercial space. I believe it is a state road but it needs to be widened to accommodate the growing traffic pattern.
Cynthia, 37917
October 1, 2022
Investment needs to be made in the areas around Magnolia and Austin East High School. The area doesn't even have a grocery store. More class B and C housing needs to be built, not more luxury housing. Knoxvillians need affordable housing.
Victor, 37919
September 30, 2022
There should be workable plan for parks and greenways for Knox County which includes Knoxville and Farragut. Greenways should connect as do roads. There should be significant park with a 12 minute drive of every resident of Knox county. Continue work on creeks where paddling and Kayaks might thrive and become commonplace. Support our two Botanical Gardens UT and Knoxville in East Knoxville Greenways should connect to greenways in other counties such as Blount, Anderson and Sevier going to the Smokies. Establish a greenway joint for both city and county.
Make sidewalks a priority for every subdision with over 100 residences.
Richard, 37918
September 30, 2022
Humility and adaptability need to be baked into this process and the final product. This process has the potential to make Knox County more livable for the next generation (including in terms of affordability, traffic, safety, and overall quality of life). However, it also has the potential to make Knox County LESS livable for the next generation by exacerbating affordability, traffic, and related issues. Accordingly, given inherently unknown future opportunities, challenges, and other conditions, it is imperative that this endeavor’s final product (1) explicitly state this it should not operate to eliminate discretion of future local governing bodies in making land development decisions, and/or (2) explicitly afford future local governing bodies latitude to efficiently modify any final product of this endeavor.
In sum, this endeavor should not operate to hamstring the ability of future governing bodies to tackle future issues (whether such issues be differing or increased traffic patterns, new regional employment opportunities, continued exacerbation of housing price increases, the need or demand for walkable/mixed use communities outside the urban core, etc.). It is impossible to predict the future, so this endeavor should allow for necessary flexibility to address future specific situations and humbly avoid tying the hands of future decision makers.
Erick, 37803
September 29, 2022
You guys should also get the gentlemen league or do something like the gentlemen league in Knoxville Tennessee black community there website is and also check out and do the same thing in Knoxville Tennessee at this website and check out and do the same in Knoxville Tennessee on this
Erick, 37803
September 29, 2022
You guys should do everything like Memphis, Tennessee and Nashville, Tennessee on everything in the city copy them.
Marti, 37922
September 29, 2022
We recently moved from the Hardin Valley area, and it has, and is exploding. There are new developments, apartments, shopping going in all over. Solway Rd. Is busting at the seams with no end in sight. While the traffic pattern was recently restructured at Hardin Valley and Pellissippi, and is so much better, there are still many areas of traffic congestion. Trying to get to and from Solway road is still problematic. Once on Solway traffic is so heavy there, on that small road. While I hate to see the rural, country feel lost, I also worry about even heavier congestion and the implications that has on safety.
Gordon, 37931
September 29, 2022
I agree with many prior comments.
More greenways, linked to each other, more waterfront parks, more sidewalks, everywhere.
Timed traffic lights to speed traffic, traffic controlled lights that only change when a vehicle is present.
Multiple pedestrian bridges across the river, for example, connect Suttree park to an expanded Riverfront park.
Need vehicle/pedestrian bridge to connect Farragut to Louisville.
Finish James White Parkway and the Pellissippi Parkway.
Need a interstate bypass that extends much further west than 640, to the I-75/I-40 split near Watt Road
Darryl , 37766
September 29, 2022
I have watched Knoxville grow attending UT in the 1980 while growing up ⬆️ n LaFollette.
Later I worked in Knoxville in the mid 1990’s through the early 2000’s with a huge growth spurt!
And now as I approach being 60, I hate going to Knoxville from LaFollette due to the traffic, roads and Crime.
A west bypass for I-75 should have started over a decade ago, but now it’s too late.
New growth is for yuppies, so quit overlooking older neighborhoods where Crime is top of mind. I never stop at convenience stores for gas without a gun in my pocket and if Knoxville isn’t careful, you’ll be Memphis Or Chicago.
Crime should be addressed first otherwise with development growth will come growth in Crime!
Ken, 37931
September 29, 2022
Extra people means extra infrastructure and services. Right now utility charters pass on those costs for future residents onto current residents. The costs should be the responsibility of county and city govt., not residents, passing the costs through bonds to future residents as well.
david, 37918
September 29, 2022
people are coming to knoxville because of the way it is...not for the way people trying to make it like nashville or new york
Rachel, 37922
September 29, 2022
I am a constituent in District 4, and I am in favor of considering equity and green spaces in the development of Knox County. 1 in 8 Tennessee families pay more than half of their income on rent or mortgage (Habitat for Humanity, 2022). This is unacceptable and does not lead to thriving for Knox County families, and I am in favor of designating a percentage of any new developments for affordable housing. Additionally, green spaces have been shown to help individuals with mental health issues like depression, anxiety and stress (NRPA, 2022). Therefore, I ask the committee to consider ensuring access to green spaces in every neighborhood area in Knoxville, and to consider greenways and other modes of walking access to these spaces. Thank you all for your role in ensuring all Knox County residents receive what they need in these developments and for ensuring Knox County grows responsibly!
Scott, 37922
September 27, 2022
I have been a resident of West Knox County for over 40 years and have been a witness to the explosive growth of population, housing and businesses in West Knoxville which has led to crowded roadways and schools. Many of the two lane roads in West Knox County (North Shore Drive, Westland Drive, Bluegrass Road, Nubbin Ridge Road, and many more) were never designed to carry the volume of traffic that occurs today. There does not appear to be a long range plan (5, 10 or 20 year plan) for improving these roadways and yet large neighborhood housing developments continue to be approved by the Knox County Commission with little thought of the impact on the community schools or traffic impacts. What opportunities exist to utilize the railroad system in our county to have a light rail system?? Additionally, significant improvements need to be made to the traffic light management system in Knoxville. In other major cities throughout the US, major roadways with traffic lights are timed in a way that rewards vehicles traveling the speed limit by producing a green light for several consecutive traffic lights along a roadway. I look forward to seeing the long range solutions that will bring a positive impact to our community. Good Luck
Jay, 37932
September 26, 2022
I agree with many others about Hardin Valley- a great place to live but future is in doubt.
There are way too many households for a 2 lane road. The area is not taken care of as well as it could be (grass and roads particularly). More businesses are badly needed so residents have options and can shop locally. Get rid of some eyesores and hide the power grids with greenery and upgrade the fencing at the soccer fields. Sidewalks should connect and allow for walking off the main road, and should connect to greenways and parks.
More housing will only make it worse without solid plans.
Will, 37932
September 26, 2022
I wod like to see more pedestrian and bike friendly infrastructure. I would also like to see the return of knoxville's train and tram systems as I would prefer public transit to driving a car.
Will, 37919
September 26, 2022
I feel Knox County should place more emphasis on greenways to connect the County to the City and also various portions of the County. Many portions of the County do not have nearby greenways and establishing more greenways should be an important part of the County's infrastructure improvements. Greenways provide the biggest bang for the buck, with greenways being used by citizens of all ages and abilities and all demographic and socioeconomic statuses, at all hours of the day, and all times of the year; such cannot be said about any other expenditure of government recreational funds.
Donald, 37919
September 26, 2022
I would try to make the railroad company (I believe it is Norfolk Southern) paint the bridge. That thing is an eyesore that makes the town look like a decrepit relic of the industrial revolution. As for how to make the company do it, I would start by asking nicely. You never know. If that didn't work maybe the City could buy 100 shares of stock and send the Mayor or other representative to the annual shareholders' meeting and make a formal complaint and maybe even get 90 seconds at the microphone. If that didn't work, maybe a civil suit for nuisance or public hazard based on the fact that if you don't paint bridges they rust and fall down. Or put up a billboard in Atlanta near company headquarters. Or maybe a complaint to the regulatory body. Maybe that is the ICC. But first ask nicely of course.
Sue , 37902
September 26, 2022
I would like to see Knoxville focus on rehabilitating dilapidated housing in the inner city designed to be made affordable when completed. Rather than investing in infrastructure further away from the city center. It seems like a better plan to focus on areas that have infrastructure in place that may need updates rather than building new housing in areas that do not have that infrastructure. More people living near the city center Means less traffic congestion on the interstates and major arteries leaving downtown.
Christopher , 37919
September 26, 2022
Develop walking/bike paths throughout the county
Preserve as much green space as possible
Encourage concentrated housing with surrounding open spaces
Karen, 37909
September 26, 2022
I would likevto see much more effort in curbing littering and trash on our roads. Knoxville is a beautiful area and trash and litter spoils it. Where I lived in the midwest for years you did not see this. It is a strange culture that people toss their coffee cups and fast food trash out if their car windows. I used to pick up trash regularly but now have too many shoulder problems. I have written to city officials and called environmentak groups but see no difference.
Richard, 37919
September 26, 2022
I am a resident of the city of Knoxville, living in West Knoxville. As we plan for increases in population, we should bear in mind that for every new family that comes to Knoxville, 2 or 3 cars will be added to the mix of already crowded roadways not designed for such high density. Major investment in transit is required to alleviate this problem. It should be easy to get around the city using transit, but it is frustratingly difficult. Sure it takes money, but so do highways and roadways.
Mackenzie, 37932
September 26, 2022
The growth in west Knoxville has gotten out of control. There has to be a give and take with the development of so many houses. Hundreds of houses have been added to access points off of Hardin valley road. There needs to be either a wider road (Hardin valley road) or turning lanes added.
The safety of these roads is getting worse as the growth continues. There also needs to be a bike lane or shoulder added for the safety of drivers and bikers.
It would be great to have the sidewalks in front of food city continue. It would add so much value to the residents around the area to be able to walk further than their neighborhood.
The greenways around this area should be connected and possibly connect to a park. Let’s add some green space to Hardin valley so that all of these new residents can enjoy the area.
Craig, 37919
September 26, 2022
It is past time to implement "Impact Fees" on developers to fund county/state infrastructure (roads) and utility improvements required by the size and scope of the proposed project. Further, those improvements would be required to be completed before permits are issued to initiate the project. This places the financial and inconvenience burden of the development on the project itself rather than on the existing taxpayers.
Ernie, 37914
September 21, 2022
I'm just learning about this important initiative to plan future development in our county. I'm extremely concerned about about the rampant unregulated development in my neighborhood on the East side of Knoxville near the intersection of John Sevier and Asheville hwys. 2 facilities with more than 100 loading docks have recently moved in but there have been no improvements to our shared roadways to accommodate such traffic. Over a dozen farms have been turned into subdivisions with identical houses on .25 acre lots yet we have no public transportation or bike lanes. We don't even have sidewalks to accommodate 100s of new residents. We have no parks or access to the river within walking distance. I moved to Knox County for it rural character. Now the farms and forests are almost gone. Tennessee has such a great agricultural history. Why can't our county incentivize agriculture instead of fast food joints?