November 22, 2023

We appreciate the efforts of the Committee and we look forward to the November 27 and December 19 meetings. There are a number of possible questions about the Proposed Amendment to the Growth Policy Plan, both as to substance as well as to procedure, including the relationship between the Proposed Amendment and the Draft Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan (Advance Knox). The questions below are only some of which might be asked.  Hopefully the November 27 meeting will provide some clarification and basis for more informed follow-up discussion between members of the public and the Committee.

1. What projections, determinations, and reports required by TCA 6-58-106 were produced, and where can they be viewed by the public?

2. Is there an updated land capability analysis comparable to the 35-page "Land Capability Analysis" document that was used to support the 2001 Growth Policy Plan? How much land within the existing and proposed Growth Area remains available for development?

3. Is information available for existing utilities and planned expansions? The 2022 "State of the County" document shows utility districts but does not show actual infrastructure or expansion plans.

4. What is the proposed process for adoption and implementation? Is the intent that the Proposed Amendment be submitted to legislatures concurrently with the Comprehensive Plan as one action?

5. How will rezonings be determined if the Proposed Amendment and Comprehensive Plan are adopted before updated zoning rules (Unified Development Code) are written and adopted? If placetypes replace the current Land Use Classification tables before the zoning rules are updated, how will it be determined which existing zones are allowable within a given placetype?

6. Can the Committee provide more information about the criteria and procedure for designating placetypes and their boundaries? And, as was pointed out in the October informational meeting, the Proposed Future Land Use Map has not yet been made available in sufficient street-by-street or parcel-by-parcel detail to allow adequately informed public reaction about the location of proposed placetypes.

7. Is the intent to eliminate sector plans? If so, how will the useful detailed information in sector plans, such as trends specific to an area, be maintained and updated? Similarly, what will happen to related small area plans and studies? There are 10 small area plans, 3 regional transportation plans, 9 corridor studies as well as countywide plans (4), city plans (5). Will we discard these plans or will they be incorporated into the Growth Policy Plan/Comprehensive Plan?

8.  Please elaborate on the intent behind Section 5.2 of the Proposed Amendment ("Planned Growth Areas may include any land use or development permitted by the Knox County Zoning Ordinance."). By itself, this might be read to allow heavy industry in a residential area, which seems unintended. It appears the actual effect of 5.2 as to zoning would be limited by 5.3, but if so, what is the purpose of 5.2 being so broadly stated?

Thank you for your attention to our questions. We realize the Proposed Amendment and Comprehensive Plan require the Committee to address many potential issues, some of which might not even come to light until there is further discussion and deliberation.   We hope the Committee will consider allowing further meetings and public review and comment following the December 19 meeting.

Staff Reply
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