Knox County and Planning are starting a comprehensive planning process that will guide land use and transportation decisions for the next 20 years.
Knox County recently initiated the process to hire a consultant who will conduct outreach, oversee public meetings, and produce the final plan. The plan will incorporate an in-depth analysis of our transportation network, including safety, capacity and multi-modal access.
The Comprehensive Land Use and Transportation Plan will analyze population growth projections, land availability and infrastructure conditions.
It will also address community concerns about how development is impacting infrastructure throughout the county. This analysis will help identify areas of Knox County that should be preserved and areas that are appropriate for new growth and investment.
The project will be partially funded through federal transportation dollars and a local match, making it a smart investment in the future of Knox County. The plan will help guide smart public and private investments in infrastructure, as well as neighborhood and community development.
A project webpage has been created to share updates throughout the process. It can be found at: